Application - FAXES

Application ID: #79014

User Details:
User Tag: FAXES#8655
User ID: 282762192544333827
Date Submitted: 8/5/2020, 4:53:05 PM

What's your name?

Sadly, FAXES

Did you have a good time creating this extension?

Well it was a rough start messing arounf with for of loops but we got there in thr end by doing things the old fashioned way. All in all, it's 3am and I want to sleep.

Do you think it will be usful for others to obatain and use?

Probably not at all.

Is the config easy?

As long as you can read and know where the letter keys on your keyboard are it's easy. Otherwise I have no hope at all...

Did you sign in at our help desk?

Where's that?

Any further questions?

Nah mate

Application system created by FAXES